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时间:2024-09-27 05:17:01


为展出学校办学成果,促进家校联系及家长对学校办学理念、课程设置、办学特色的理解和尊重,唤起师生自学热情,营造国际化自学氛围,合肥常春藤实验学校订于2019年1月13日(周日)举行2019年的第一次家长开放日活动,诚邀您参与!In order to show the achievements of our school, strengthen ties with parents,enhance parents’ understanding and recognition of the school's concept, curriculum and characteristics, stimulate the enthusiasm of teachers and students, and create an international learning atmosphere, Hefei Ivy Experimental School is scheduled to hold the first Parent Open Day in 2019 on Sunday, January 13, 2019. You are cordially invited to attend!合肥常春藤实验学校 双语部Hefei IVY Experimental Academy Bilingual Dept.2019.1.7合肥常春藤实验学校欢迎您Welcome to Hefei IVY Experimental Academy活动决定|Event Schedule一、活动时间:1月13日 下午:13:00-17:00Event hours:January 13 pm: 13:00-17:00二、活动地点:校区班级和校区功能馆Event Locations:Classrooms and function Pavilion三、活动时间流程:Schedule of activities1、13:00-13:20 家长入场,发给宣传单页,结帐。Parents enter, collect flyer pages, check in2、13:20-13:50 校长与您共享Headmaster to share with you3、课程体验Audition Course①14:00-14:20 第一节展出课Ppresentation course Section I②14:30-14:50 第二节展出课Presentation course Section II4、15:00-17:00 率领家长参观校园,展开涉及答疑Lead parents to visit the campus for questions and answers课程决定|Course Schedule柔道馆|Fencing Hall▲攀岩墙|Climbing Wall▼参观路线|Tour route综合楼8楼会议室(说明会)→综合楼2、3、4楼教室(家长入课堂)→综合楼6楼画室→综合楼9楼柔道馆→综合楼10楼音乐馆→综合楼1楼图书馆→食堂→体育中心→体育中心胜一游泳池→功能场馆Conference Room (briefing), 8/F, general building → classrooms on 2, 3 and 4 floors of the complex building (parents entering the classroom) → 6/F, comprehensive building, studio → Building 9/F Fencing Hall → complex building 10/F library → Building 1/F-General building, sports Centre → Stadium图书馆|Library活动目的|Purpose of the event率领您走出校园,理解学校的办学与发展,令其您亲身体会国际化美式小班教学的课堂氛围,协助家长自由选择面向未来的高端基础教育,规划孩子有作为的快乐人生。We will lead you into the campus, let you know the school's running and development. You can personally experience the atmosphere of the international American small class. We will also help you choose a high-end basic education, and plan your children's happy life in the future.❖我们在这里等你❖We'll be here waiting for you.。



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